Just wanted to post a few follow ups to my post last week on the Commerce Server Orders Receive Adapter running in a 64-bit host.

During testing on another server, I received the following error: “Failed opening or reading the Registry subkey: Software\Microsoft\Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters\Orders\<somekey>. Message: Requested registry access is not allowed.”

This was because when I created the new registry key, I did not give the host user permission to access it. So make sure to do so when adding this key.

Also, something else I discovered that is applicable to both 32-bit and 64-bit hosts of the receive adapter is that the Receive Adapter will double process orders when running the host on two separate BizTalk Servers – i.e. you make it highly available. I think the help guide talks about this a little but it was not very clear.

I would guess you’d need to cluster this service to achieve high availability. But I haven’t tested that out yet. Nor do I know how the locally written registry key would come into play.