The help guide gives many excellent examples of using WMI to perform a large variety of useful tasks in BizTalk 2004.

One of the little known features is the ability to have suspended messages saved to a file at the time of suspense. I would assume this is govern by the same rules of viewing tracked messages in HAT, that is the stream must be seekable for the message to be tracked and in this case saved (see Christof’s Blog Post).

What makes this feature so nice is it saves both the message and the context to a file. This can be great at tracking down routing failures, convoy problems, and general correlation issues.

I have put together a simple tool that can be run anytime you want to view the suspended messages and context. Just deploy the sample to your C:\ drive. The suspended messages are written to C:\SampleWMI\OutputMessages.

Download: WMI Suspended Instance Sample