I have presented at the following events.
Azure Aviators Community Day 2023 – Breakout Session
Title: Getting Started with Standard Edition Logic App
Abstract: Getting started with Logic App Standard Edition can be a little tricky as compared to consumption. This session will highlight the key differences you need to know about and walk through getting started building Standard Edition Logic Apps.
Audience: 1,000+
Video details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eCY79aJFt4
INTEGRATE 2023 – London, England– Breakout Session
Title: Getting Started with Azure Integration Services
Abstract: In this session, we will take a look at the core components that make sure Azure Integration Services as well as the supporting services that are commonly used in Azure-based integration solutions. This session will cover the basics of the services and how it can be used for integration. This will be a primer session for later talks on BizTalk migration to Azure.
Audience: 1,000+
Video details: https://youtu.be/FblpC4XS7vM?si=SxIJY4HXWd5wh5jz
INTEGRATE 2022 – London, England– Breakout Session
Title: Getting Started Migrating from BizTalk to Azure
Abstract: Thinking of moving from BizTalk to Azure? Get started with the help of this session.
Audience: 1,000+
Video link: https://youtu.be/m6xWgPHB40U?si=0SLVdGazOg_Fe_MY
INTEGRATE 2021 – Remote – Breakout Session
Title: Azure and BizTalk 2020 – Better Together
Abstract: Take a look at why BizTalk 2020 and Azure work well together and new solutions that can be built together.
Audience: 1,000+
Video link: https://youtu.be/Wdtd8AceFLQ?si=pK1XOOr_YRWHNf26
INTEGRATE 2020 – Remote – Breakout Session
Title: 20 Years In – Solving Today’s Integration Problems with Microsoft Integration Technologies
Abstract: Wow, it is hard to believe I have been doing Microsoft Integration for 20 years now! This session will take a look at the then and now of Integration over the past 20 years. Then we will look at new Integration Scenarios that exist today and what Microsoft Integration Technologies can be used to solve them.
Audience: 1,000+
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t01_ljUlhPI
INTEGRATE 2019 – Redmond, WA – Breakout Session
Title: Supercharging BizTalk Server using Azure Integrations Technologies
Abstract: BizTalk Server is an on-prem powerhouse for processing messages! Last year I talked about how to get more from your on-prem BizTalk Server by using features in Azure. This session will build on those concepts and take a look at how to supercharge your BizTalk Server for working with complex integration scenarios.
Audience: 400+
Conference details: https://www.biztalk360.com/integrate-2019/usa/
INTEGRATE 2018 – London, England – Breakout Session
Title: Using BizTalk Server as your Foundation to the Clouds
Abstract: This session will highlight the benefits of using BizTalk Server on-premise as the backbone for Hybrid Integration. It will look at the workloads that work well in BizTalk Server and what could be offloaded to Azure in order to increase the effectiveness of BizTalk Server. This session will also look at some of the reasons why clients are hesitant about moving forward with Logic Apps and Azure solutions. Then we will look at some of the ways to overcome some of these fears and who in the company you need to have on your side in order to help sell Azure-based solutions.
Audience: 400+
Watch this session online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keJYe1QYii4
Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 – Austin, TX – Breakout Session and Lab
Title: Getting Hands-on with Azure Logic Apps
Abstract: In this session, we will take a look at the basics of Azure Logic Apps and how to build powerful integration scenariosquickly. This session will include a hands-on lab that walks through creating your first Azure Logic App step-by-step.
Audience: 100+
View this session online at http://usergroup.tv/videos/getting-hands-on-with-azure-logic-apps
Global Azure Integration Bootcamp 2018 – New York, NY – Breakout Session and Lab
Title: Working with Logic Apps, Cloud Adapters, Functions, and Storage
Audience: 25+
Integration Bootcamp 2017 – Charlotte, NC – Breakout Session
Title: Getting Started with Logic Apps
INTEGRATE 2017 – Seattle, WA –Breakout Session
Title: Overcoming Challenges When Taking Your Logic App into Production
Audience: 200+
Watch this session from the UK Event: https://www.biztalk360.com/integrate-2017-resources/overcoming-challenges-when-taking-logic-app-to-production/
Middleware Friday – Austin, TX – Breakout Session
Title: Austin City Limits with Stephen W Thomas
Audience: 500+
Watch this session online: http://www.integrationusergroup.com/austin-city-limits-stephen-w-thomas/
INTEGRATE 2017 – London, England – Breakout Session
Title: Overcoming Challenges When Taking Your Logic App into Production
Audience: 300+
Watch this session online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ1rNmOi3Kw
Global Azure Integration Bootcamp 2017 – New York, NY – Breakout Session and Lab
Title: Azure Functions & Logic Apps
Audience: 25+
Other Speaking Events
Global BizTalk Summit 2016 – London, UK – Breakout Session
Title: Azure IaaS Essentials for the BizTalk Developer
Audience: 380+
Watch this session online:
Global BizTalk Summit 2015 – London, UK – Breakout Session
Abstract: I’ve been working with BizTalk Server and Integration using Microsoft products since Tuesday, February 27th, 2001. Since then I have worked on over 21 different client projects all over the world. Clients range in size from small companies to large Fortune 500 powerhouses. This session will take a look at the top 14 client challenges I have run into in the past 14 years of working in the field and how to address them.
Audience: 300+
Watch this session online:
TechEd 2013 – Barcelona, Spain – Breakout Session
Abstract: Learn how to use BizTalk Server 2013 with Windows Azure IaaS. See how easy it is to create a single Virtual Machine all the way to a fully configured isolated multi-server BizTalk domain.
Audience: 25+
Watch this session online:
European BizTalk Conference 2010 – Stockholm, Sweden - Breakout Session
Abstract: This was a multi-day event covering areas of the book "Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform"
Audience: 250+
Sweden User Group 2009 – Stockholm, Sweden - Breakout Session
Title: Windows Application Server Overview
Audience: 100+
SOA Conference Redmond 2009 – Redmond, WA - Breakout Session
Title: Dublin and Custom Tracking
Audience: 500+
Tech Ed 2007 - Orlando, FL - Breakout Session
Title: BizTalk Advanced Orchestration Concepts
Audience: 200+
SOA Conference 2007 - Redmond, WA - Breakout Session
Title: BizTalk Advanced Concepts
Audience: 500+
Tech Ed 2005 - Orlando, FL - Instructor-Led Labs
Title: Working with BizTalk Server 2004
Audience: 100+